Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First Post-Diagnosis Check Up

September 19, 2014

A week after we received the news about Luke's condition, my doctor wanted us to come back for another ultrasound to see if there was any change in the amniotic fluid.  The week leading up to this appointment went something like this...

Prayer.  Lots and lots of prayer.  Our story was starting to spread, and people we haven't talked to in years were contacting us saying they were praying for us.  For Luke.  For a miracle to take place.  As we shared our story via social media, we found out that so many people were praying for us.  Hundreds probably.  Even our friends in Nairobi, Kenya were praying and sharing our story.  Friends and family from coast to coast.  It was so incredible to see the body of Christ come together and grieve and pray with us as we walked through this difficult trial.  People we knew really well and people we didn't know at all.  My mother-in-law is a 6th grade match teacher, and she shared our story with each class she had.  She told the kids that Luke would most likely not survive past birth.  She shared stories with us about how kids came up to her and said things like...

"I will be praying for baby Luke"

"My family and I prayed for Luke last night and will continue to."

She had kids who gave her pictures that said "You made us believe in miracles."

One little boy drew a duck (that looked just like a stork) carrying a little baby in a sack, and the duck was bringing the baby to us.

There was a sign made that said "Praying for baby Luke" and it was covered with signatures from children who promised to be praying for him.  It meant so much to us!

As the appointment was approaching, I was scared.  Yet hopeful at the same time.  Maybe God moved in a powerful way and we would see more fluid?  Even though I was hopeful, I knew deep down that the news would still be bad.

We were brought back to the room.  The dreaded room with the scary ultrasound machine that first revealed Luke's condition.  My mom and my sister Beth were there with Justin and I.  Doctor M came in, squirted the blue gel on my belly, and began to take a look.  As we thought, there was no increase in the fluid.  His heart rate was also considerably lower than it had been.  He looked so squished in there.  Without fluid, he's not able to move and squirm around as easy.  But, he was still alive and we were so grateful for that.  After the scan was over, Doctor M asked if we had any questions.  I did.

"With the few cases you see where babies have what Luke has, how many of them make it to term?"

"Unfortunately, not very many."

Not many?  So, Luke may not make it to term.  The week leading up to this appointment, I was fully preparing myself to deliver him in February.  With this piece of news, we didn't know what to expect.  He could pass away inside me before then.  We may have another month.  Maybe a few months.  Or maybe he'll make it until February.  We just don't know.  With that said, we are now in the "waiting period".  We wait and see how much time the Lord gives him.  We don't know how long that will be, but we trust the Lord and know that Luke's days are numbered by a sovereign God and we can trust Him now matter what or how long he gives life to our little boy.

We ended the appointment with directions to schedule an MRI at Children's Hospital.  My doctor wants to see what exactly is missing or not missing in Luke's body.  Are the kidneys there?  It's just too hard to tell due to the lack of fluid.  So, that is scheduled for Friday, October 10th.

Keep praying for a miracle, friends.  We haven't given up hope.  We serve an awesome, powerful God!  Also pray for Justin and I as we continue to struggle emotionally.  Some days are ok, some are not.  Pray that we won't loose heart and that we would continually cling to Jesus.

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